Millers Football Programmes.

My online venture selling sporting memorabilia started in 2017 having been a football fanatic for over 50 years.

It started when I was young collecting the sixpenny 'Hammers' programmes and in the end literally the thousands of programmes the friends of the family gave me.

The collecting bug struck again in 2002 when I started collecting seriously again, but this time having to pay for the privilege.

Buying and selling started on an adhoc basis buying better quality programmes and selling off the doubles to fund further acquisitions.

Going to the next level was opening an Ebay shop and haven't  looked back since. I have built up a  good customer base and good repeat business.

The next big step was to have my own website and be independent of Ebay and its myriad of insertion and selling fees.

Millers Football Programmes has a very interesting range of memorabilia, programmes, books and items of interest across the sporting spectrum.

Please visit https://millers football and browse the site. New additions are being added regularly.

Tim Miller.